Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I wanted to make a ramen noodle cookbook because I have figured out tens of recipes. However, after 30 seconds of internet research, I discovered that there already exists at least one. Poo.

More importantly, I have a confession to make. This picture is not 100% honest. I usually slice up about 4 hot dogs and toss them in the giant bowl. I apologize and hope you can forgive me for this deception.

-Kyle "The Unbalanced Checkbook"

Alarm Clock

I have been unemployed for close to 400 days now. Believe it or not, it is not fun anymore.

I'm tired of watching Maury, only being able to afford cheap alcohol, and having not-so-deep philosophical conversations with the dog.

This image is the first of the many that document my 389th day of unemployment. Please enjoy and try not to leave mean comments. Thank you.

-Kyle "The Horseshoe Crab"